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A Message of Hope from SUNx on Earth Day 2020

The following is a letter from SunX:

In period of global crisis, around COVID-19, we write with a message of hope for the ongoing Climate Crisis from former President of Mexico, Felipe Calderón.

At our inaugural STRONG Climate event last year, in the sidelines of the UN Climate Action Summit, President Calderón, spoke about the need to look forward and not dwell on the past. We are leading this Earth Day edition with that message of hope as we feel that it is the only way to deal with the existential threat of Climate Change whilst coping with the incredibly serious threat of COVID-19. And that if we work collectively a better future is possible. To watch the video, please click the link below:


Measured: Green: 2050-proof

SUNx Malta Endorses WTTC Call For Support For Travel & Tourism Post C-19 Resilience Stressing Opportunity To Integrate Climate Friendly Travel

In a supportive letter to WTTC President and CEO, Gloria Guevara, SUNxMalta referenced their collaborative work on the first Climate Friendly Travel 2050 Ambitions Report addressing the need for urgent industry action to achieve a Climate Neutral sector by 2050. It suggested that any conditions surrounding government support incorporate a requirement for a Climate Friendly Travel strategy. This could help to nudge the sector towards the Paris 1.5 trajectory needed to respond to the ever present existential Climate Crisis. 

SUNxMalta is developing a Registry for Travel & Tourism companies and communities; to be a dedicated entry point for the sector, into the UNFCCC Registry and has engaged positively with the Secretariat to ensure policy and technology compatibility. The Minister of Tourism and Consumer Protection, Hon Julia Farrugia Portelli, has indicated the support of the government of Malta for this initiative, which is again being developed as part of the broad Climate Resilience collaboration with The World Travel & Tourism Council.

To find out more, about how to create a Climate Neutral 2050 plan, and express interest in registering it as part of your CSR activity, please click here.

Toward a Great Ethics Transition: The Earth Charter at Twenty

Brendan Mackey makes the case for a common ethical framework. 

How ‘Carbon-cycle Feedbacks’ Could Make Global Warming Worse

CarbonBrief analysis on carbon cycle feedbacks and the uncertainties these add to climate change projections' Read the full article here

National Geographic Special Issue on Earth Day Questions What Lies Ahead for the Planet

Fifty years ago we celebrated the first Earth Day. Where will we be 50 years from now? Read the Earth Day Special Edition here


Plane-free Skies Spur Research Into Warming Impact of Aviation

As the Covid-19 pandemic response hits air traffic, scientists seize the opportunity to study how planes’ contrails trap heat in the atmosphere Read the full article here

The Next Generation of Sustainability Measurement & Reporting

Are Corporations and SSE Organizations Meeting the SDG Challenge? Read the article by Allen L. White here

Introducing the Amsterdam City Doughnut

How can Amsterdam be a home to thriving people, while respecting the wellbeing of all people, and the health of the whole planet? Read the article by Kate Raworth


Coronavirus is a Once in a Lifetime Chance to Reshape how we Travel

The transport sector could look very different after the pandemic. Read the full article on The Conversation website here

UNECE Shares Energy-Efficiency Best Practices throughout Europe.

UNECE has released guidelines on energy efficiency that present existing standards, technologies, and practices in 56 member States. Read more here

Entering a Decade of Action: Making the SDGs a Matter of Priority

The UN has called for 2020 to usher in a “Decade of Action” to deliver the Goals by 2030. Read the full article here


Net Zero: The Story of the Target that will Shape our Future

Net zero was the idea that emerged from a meeting of 'lionesses' and is now being translated into national laws, urban strategies and business plans among would-be climate leaders. Read more here

To Decarbonize we must Decomputerize: Why we Need a Luddite Revolution

Big tech claims AI and digitization will bring a better future. But putting computers everywhere is bad for people and the planet. Read the full article in The Guardian here

Deep Emissions Cuts This Decade Could Prevent ‘Abrupt Ecological Collapse’

Swift global action to reduce emissions could prevent the “abrupt” collapse of ecosystems, which may otherwise begin within the next few decades. Read the full article 




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