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It's Time to "Hunker Down" & Stay Well

It's difficult to post anything about tourism at this time with a health pandemic sweeping the world. What I would like to say to everyone is please listen to your health authorities about what to do to stay well and to prevent others from getting sick too.

Today, that means:

- maintain as much social distance as possible and stay home if you can

- wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds

- use sanitizing gel to wipe down and disinfect doorknobs, handles and items you are touching or have touched

- if on public transportation such as an airplane, wipe down the trays, seat belt parts, armrests, etc. with sanitizer

- keep your nutrition up, and therefore your immune system up and strong

- grocery stores will be open and stocked and there is no need to hoard any item

- if you feel sick, stay at home. If you are sick, wear a mask and do not cough in the direction of other people

Let's all be kind to each other and also help people who can't help themselves. Call on neighbours and friends who can't get around to pick up supplies, and keep safe while you're doing this.

Nobody wants to be sick, or to lose a precious loved one.

Stay well and positive!

Image credit: The American Red Cross



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