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Ride the Highest Observation Wheel in Canada in Old Montréal

Starting this June, Montrealers and visitors to the city can soar to a unique vantage point between the city and the river on Montreal’s Observation Wheel.

Designed especially for our city, this new attraction, already under construction on Île Bonsecours in the Old Port, will generate significant tourism and economic benefits for the metropolitan region.

Take a spin through the details

• La Grande Roue de Montréal: the private company that designed and will operate this new major attraction

• The highest observation wheel in Canada and third highest in the United States and Canada

• Rising 60 meters above ground, with a view stretching 28 km

• In operation year round, whatever the weather, from 10 am to 11 pm

• 42 temperature-controlled gondolas that can seat 8 comfortably during three revolutions for a total of 15 minutes


“The Old Port is a unique, must-see destination for visitors. With this new observation wheel, created through a major private sector investment on this federal site, we are once again at the forefront creating unique activities that complement Montreal’s tourism offer.”

– Basil Cavis, Vice President, Old Port of Montreal

“Montreal boasts a breathtaking panorama. It has one of the most beautiful observation wheel sites in the world, with the city rising between Mt. Royal and the St. Lawrence River.”

– Jeff Jorgensen, President, La Grande Roue de Montréal.

“Whether it’s sipping hot chocolate on a cold winter night 60 metres above ground or enjoying a glass of wine on a beautiful summer day, Montrealers who love their city and tourists eager to discover it will have a memorable experience on Montreal’s Observation Wheel.”

– Jean Bérubé, Director, La Grande Roue de Montréal

Given its positive impact on the city, Montreal’s Observation Wheel project has received support from Tourism Montreal, the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal, the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, and the Société de Développement Commercial (SDC) du Vieux-Montréal.

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